
Individual Studio Quality Watercolour Half Pans

Original price was: $2.49.Current price is: $1.99.

SKU: UHBH13124630


Half pan watercolours made from high quality pigments. Each colour isindividuallyformulated to produce fine watercolour wash effects or can be used in alessdiluted form for detailing and more precise work.

Specially produced for working artistsand advanced students of Art.
These watercolour pans are vegan friendly, as no animal bi-product has been used in the manufacture of these pigments.

For home and studio use we recommend awatercolour blockand a good set of brushes for the best result, either purpose madesyntheticorsable.
If you’re out and about then we suggest awatercolour sketchbookand awaterbrush penfor fast and flexible access to colour and washes.

Suggested palettes

Palettes shown below are suggested themes, but you are free to choose your own personal on-the-go thematic spectrum of hues.

1) Sunset Palette could include; Jaune Brilliant Light, Gamboge Hue, Vermillion Hue, Cadmium Red Pale Hue, Mauve, Purple Lake, Rose Madder Hue and Cadmium Deep Hue.

2) Forest Palette could include; Turquoise, Prussian Blue, Leaf Green, Phthalo Green, Hookers Green Light, Permanent Green Dark, Permanent Green Light, Olive Green.

3) Woodland Palette could include; Raw Sienna, Light Red, Vandyke Brown, Sepia, Indigo, Ivory Black, Raw Umber and Chinese White.

4) Sun Rise Palette could include; Lemon Yellow Hue, Cadmium Yellow Pale Hue, Cadmium Orange Hue, Cadmium Red Hue, Scarlet Lake, Alizarin Crimson Hue, Permanent Rose, Dioxazine Violet.

5) Deep Ocean Palette could include; Ultramarine, Cobalt Blue Hue, Verdi Blue, Cerulean Blue Hue, Phthalo Blue, Viridian Hue, Emerald Green, Hookers Green Dark.

6) Sand Dunes Palette could include; Sap Green, Yellow Ochre, burnt Sienna, Indian Red, Burnt Umber, Payne’s Gray, Lamp Black, Cadmium Yellow Hue.

Ideal for amateur artists, Art and Design students, illustrators, hobbyists and crafters.

*Please note. Due to differences in computer monitor displays colour samples should be used as a guide only.


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